Downloading Certificates & Keys
A Development Certificate is used by Apple to determine if your App came from a trusted source and it is required for publishing to the App Store. In this case, it is simply required in tandem with the Distribution Certificate to upload to App Store Connect.
A Distribution Certificate is used for distributing Apps to App Store Connect for testing. It signifies which Team is allowed further access to the App outside of Xcode.
- In order to upload to App Store Connect, the following must be downloaded to your device
- Development Certificate
- Distribution Certificate
- Provisioning Profile for your App
- Development Certificate Private Key
- These will all be sent to you by a Faculty member
- Once they have been sent to you, download and begin adding them to your keychain
- In your downloads folder, double-click on the Certificates to open up the following window.
- Change the dropdown on the keychain to login.
- The provisioning profile will not be added to the keychain, further instructions are provided below
- The private key will be sent to you, after downloading you will be prompted for a password that will be provided by Faculty. Enter in the password to add the private key to your keychain
- When you enter your password, there will be an error message. This is normal, look up the name of the private key in the keychain to ensure it has been properly added. If you can find it in your keychain, move onto the next step. If you can't locate it, try adding the private key again.
You are instructed to add your Certificates and Key to the login keychain, make sure to check you're in the right section before trying to download the key again.
- When you enter your password, there will be an error message. This is normal, look up the name of the private key in the keychain to ensure it has been properly added. If you can find it in your keychain, move onto the next step. If you can't locate it, try adding the private key again.
- Once all three are added to the keychain, it should look something like this
- Apple Development Certificate
- Apple Development Private Key
- Apple Distribution Certificate
Different Certificates generated may have different names than the ones provided in this manual. The keychain will not be automatically sorted to display the certificates like the above picture. You will have to scroll in order to find them.
- Once all three are added to the keychain, it should look something like this
Configuring Provisioning Profile
- Open Xcode:
- If you haven't already, add your federated App State email account to Xcode.
- To get to the page below, double-click on the top outline box and then click on Signing & Capabilities.
- Uncheck Automatic Signing
- This is the very first thing in the Signing Section, and it's labeled with a checkbox and Automatically manage signing. Make sure to uncheck this feature to prevent issues further along.
- Import your Provisioning Profile to Xcode.
- Expired or Ineligible Provisioning Profiles will show up if you have ever imported any
- Select Import Profile, and choose your Provisioning Profile
- The below picture is what the window should look like once all Certificates and Provisioning Profiles are properly downloaded and with your Bundle Identifier that was from faculty.
Your Bundle Identifier will be different based on naming scheme
You have now successfully added all required Certificates and Profiles to your machine. Do not delete them, all should remain on the device you're using to build your App