The Assignment activity in AsULearn is a dropbox where students can privately submit work to you by uploading a file or files, and you can privately share feedback and a grade with them. If you create an Assignment using the default activity settings, it will be configured for students to upload one document to you that's worth up to 100 points, due one week after the Assignment is created. But with just a few small changes to the Assignment settings, this activity can be configured to do any or all of the following:
- Assess student work with a grading guide (checklist) or rubric
- Assess student work by annotating it in your browser
- Assess student work offline
- Assess student work by downloading all submissions, annotating them, then returning the annotated versions to students as feedback
- Enforce a time limit for student submissions
- Enforce both a due date and cut-off date for accepting student work
- Collect and assess student work in groups
- Temporarily anonymize student work to mitigate potential bias while gradingÂ