Rubric is one of the two options for using Advanced Grading assessment forms to calculate the grade for students' work. The other is Grading Guide.
Create a Rubric
Add a new assignment or open an existing one and select Settings from the Assignment menu.
Under the Grade section, change the Grading method to Rubric.
Be sure to set the Maximum grade setting equal to the maximum point value possible on your rubric. You can define your rubric and then go back to adjust the Grade settings, but don't forget to have them match to avoid confusion for students.
Click Save and display at the bottom of the screen. The Advanced grading screen displays.
Select Define new grading form from scratch to create a new rubric.
Enter a Name for the rubric and an optional Description.
Below the description, click on Click to edit criterion and enter a label; then click on Click to edit level to define the criterion levels.
Note: The rubric tool does require a zero point level, but the other numbers do not have to be sequential. For example, you can create a criterion worth up to 10 points that uses points 0, 4, 6, 8, 10 at each of the levels. The point values you build at the criterion levels determine what points can be assigned. With the 0, 4, 6, 8, 10 example, a score of 7 could not be given, only 6 or 8.
Click Add level to provide more than the 3 default score levels for the criterion. The criteria do not have to have the same number of scoring levels in the rubric.
Click + Add criterion to enter another one, edit its label, and define its score levels.
Continue adding criteria and levels until you are done. Check the total for highest scores for each criterion. This should be set as the Maximum grade for the assignment.
Click the Save rubric and make it ready button at the bottom of the screen when complete.
Grade with a Rubric
See Assignment: Grading for an overview of grading an assignment. These are the specifics for using a Rubric.
In the Grade section of the grading screen the Rubric grid is displayed.
Click the level to apply the score for that criterion. The selected level will be shaded green. You can click a different level or click the current one to clear the selection. Optionally enter a comment in the far right column regarding that criterion.
Select a score for each criterion.
Enter a general Feedback comment at the bottom of the screen. You may also post a Feedback file to the student.
Click Save changes or Save and show next.
Use a Rubric for other assignments
If you have created a rubric you want to use or modify for another assignment, add a new assignment or open an existing one and select Settings from the Assignment menu.
In the Grade section, set the Grading method to Rubric and click Save and display.
On the Advanced grading screen select Create new grading form from a template.
The Grading forms search will display No template found. Check the include my own forms option and click the Search button. Your saved rubrics will be displayed.
Click Use this form as a template below the rubric you want to use as is or to modify. Click Continue to confirm you want to use the rubric.
Click Edit the current form definition.
When you use a saved rubric to create another, be sure to change the Name for the rubric to distinguish it from the one it is based on; otherwise you will have rubrics with the same name in your list.
To use as is, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen; or edit the rubric, then click Save.
See the Rubric applied to an assignment
Select the assignment. From the Assignment menu, select Advanced grading.
For assignments with a rubric applied, the Active grading method will be set to Rubric and the name and settings for the current rubric are displayed.
You can Edit the current form definition or Delete the currently defined form to remove it from the assignment.