Workshop Scheduler Admin Menu

You can only edit the Community in which you are an Administrator. It is recommended that one person in a community be responsible for maintaining the Community properties.

Edit Workshop Community

On the Edit Workshop Community screen, you can edit the Description (name) of the community as it appears on the workshop scheduler site (maximum 40 characters). Users can filter the display of available workshops by the community, so the name should clearly identify the types of workshops presented by the community.

Add Leaders

To add Leaders (instructors, moderators, facilitators) in your community who can be selected for workshops

  1. enter the ASU User ID (email address without in the field on the right
  2. Click the Add button. The first and last names are listed below. A Leader should be given Community Administrator credentials to be able to manage workshops and mark Status on the Roster.

Leaders can be edited and deleted by the System Administrator only: if you have Leaders who go by a different name than what Banner provides or are no longer in your Community that you would like removed, create a Support Ticket.

Delete a Leader

To delete a Leader in your community list

  1. Select the name in the Instructor IDs list.
  2. Click the Del (delete) button.

Automatic Email Notifications

Automatic email notifications use the default sender specified in the From Email Name and From Email Address fields. If these are left blank, the default reply address for emails is  [email protected]  with no name.

Notifications for all workshops in a community will be from the same person.

The Email Opening and Email Closing text blocks appear in automatic emails for workshops in your community. The body of the email message includes data specific to the workshop the user signed up for. Modify these email notices with information appropriate for your Community, including who is to be contacted with questions. You may want to include instructions for dropping from a workshop roster.  

Automatic emails are sent when

  • A user signs up for a workshop (Confirmation)
  • A user on the Wait List and is promoted to an available seat
  • A user is dropped from a roster.

Confirmation emails include an attached Calendar Event for the workshop.

Confirmation Email Example
Confirmation Email

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