Step-by-Step: Bulk updating due dates in AsULearn
- From the course page, click Reports from the Course menu.
- Click Dates.
- The view will default to All activities. Use the Activity View Filter by clicking the drop down menu for Activity type to filter by the selected type. Do this before making changes or after you have saved any changes already made.
- Click a section title to expand it or click the Expand all link (top right) to expand all sections and display all the activities (that match the filter setting) along with the current date settings for each.
NOTE: If you don't see an activity you expect to, be sure the filter setting is not excluding it from view and that you have opened the section it is in.
- Adjust the dates and times as necessary. Some of these may be disabled or may show the default date based on the activity settings. Click the checkbox to Enable setting a deadline by date and time.
Dates that can be set include:
• Allow submissions from (assignments cannot be submitted until after this date and time)
• Due date (assignments must be submitted before this date and time to not be considered late)
• Cut-off date (no submissions can be made after this date and time without an extension)
• Remind me to grade by (used to prioritize dashboard notifications for Teachers)
• Expect completed on (date and time set for Activity Completion)
The Add restricted access link opens the Settings page for the activity in another browser tab or window. Because this opens all the settings for the Activity, we recommend you don't use this shortcut to change settings, since changes in one tab may cancel out changes made in the other. Finish adjusting the activity dates, Save changes, then return to the main course page and Turn editing on to edit settings for an activity.
6. Click Save changes at the top or bottom of the screen. Scroll down to check if there are any error messages in red text (typically when a date precedes one it should follow). If the course section headings are all collapsed, then there are no errors. If there is an error, the sections will remain open to display it. Correct any errors, then click Save changes again.
7. To return to the main course page:
• Click Course in the menu at the top of the page
• Click the Cancel button — AFTER YOU'VE CHECKED FOR ERRORS! If you click Cancel when an error message is displayed, your changes will not be saved.