If items are being returned, they must be received first and then returned
See Create a Receipt for Receiving
Also, if this is an Amazon order, please see the Amazon FAQ's to learn how to return those items.
Step-by-step guide
1. On the YoMart Shopping-Home Page select Orders→ Search → Purchase Orders
2. Enter the Purchase Order #
3. Add or change any filter fields as needed→ hit Enter or click Search
4. Click on the PO Number to open up the purchase order
5. Click on the Receipts tab and click the Plus Icon to add a receipt
6. Select Create Quantity Receipt
5. Scroll down to the Receipt Lines section
6. If an item needs to be returned, enter the Quantity to be returned and change the Line Status to Returned
7. Remove all other line items from the receipt by clicking the Remove Line button for that line item
8. When all line items have either been marked returned or the lines has been removed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Complete