Emeritus status only provides continued access to the Google Apps for Education Suite.

Microsoft Office 365 access must be requested using this form.

For access to Adobe, campus printing, and a campus computer login, a Request for Non-Employee Computer Account must be submitted by the faculty member's department chair. These are reviewed and approved by Academic Affairs.

Transition Timeline

  • Faculty Google accounts will remain active past the last day of employment to allow time for faculty to apply for emeritus status.
  • Applications for emeritus are due mid-September.  
  • If an application is received, faculty accounts will remain active past September to await final approvals for emeritus. 
  • Faculty members who are granted emeritus status are entitled to maintain university Google accounts and all associated services that come with them. They will not need the option to transition to [email protected].
  • If an application for emeritus is not received, the retired faculty account will be de-provisioned by late September of each year.    

University Library Services for Emeritus

  • Benefits include library access at all locations during public hours with full privileges.
  • Visit the University Libraries page Borrowing for Retirees, Spouses, & Partners to see a complete list of Library services benefits.

Office of Human Resources Retiree Benefits

The following university benefits are provided to all App State retirees:

Visit the Office of Human Resources benefits page to find a comprehensive list of benefits and privileges for Retirees.

Additional Info:

Retirees must 

  1. Turn in their old AppCard.
  2. Visit the AppCard Office for a new card showing retired status (at no additional charge).