Forum type
There are 5 types of forums you can use in AsULearn (these are not listed in the same order you'll see in AsULearn).
Standard forum for general use
This is the default forum type. This creates an open forum where everyone enrolled in the course can start a new post, and reply to any existing post or reply. It's the best general purpose forum, and will meet most needs for online discussions.
Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format
This forum offers the same permissions as "Standard forum for general use", where everyone enrolled in the course can start a new post, and reply to any existing post or reply. The only changes are to how posts are displayed. In this format the newest posts are displayed at the top of the page instead of the bottom (like a blog), and the first few lines of each entry will display as a preview before you open a post.
A single simple discussion
This is a...well, a single, simple discussion. This type works well for short, focused discussions around a single topic, and cannot be configured for use with separate groups.
Each person posts one discussion
Each person in the course can post up to...well, one discussion. Anyone else enrolled in the course can reply to them. This type works well for activities like a peer review. For example, having each student post a draft of a paper topic and thesis statement to gather feedback for improvement from their classmates.
Q and A forum
Students cannot create new posts in a Q and A forum. They can only reply to posts the instructor creates. Unlike other forum types, Q and A forums require students to post their own original thought before they can view what their classmates have written. This is a popular forum type among faculty who are seeking strong, independently formed thoughts about a discussion topic.