
Google Groups is a role and permission-based email communication system. Groups administrators can select between four different configurations:

  1. Email List (for regular communication with a defined list of users).
  2. Web Forum (interactive, online web forums for sharing ideas about common interests or projects).
  3. Q&A (a space for experts to respond to users' questions).
  4. Collaborative Inbox (a communal inbox with message assignment functions. Perfect for assigning tasks to group members or managing constituents).

As of Summer 2017, Groups were leveraged as a replacement product to App State's former Listserv system.


To access your Groups, navigate to groups.google.com.

If you are logged into a personal Google account in the same browser, you may be redirected to the Groups page for that account.

Use this Help Document to add a second account to your browser session.

There is no stand-alone mobile application for Groups, however, users can use the Groups mobile version by navigating to groups.google.com on their mobile device. 


For general assistance, view Google's Groups Support Page.

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