Google's NotebookLM is an innovative tool that transforms how you take notes, learn from information, and approach your writing. It summarizes sources into text and audio. Google calls it "your personalized AI research assistant." Think of it as a note-taking interface with an AI research assistant working with you.

The enterprise version of NotebookLM is accessible to all faculty, staff, and students.

Protect Privacy and Ensure Data Security

Entering sensitive or confidential information into any AI chat interfaces is prohibited by the university.

Accessing Notebook LM

  1. Navigate to and click Try NotebookLM.
    Sign in to Notebook LM

  2. Sign in using your App State credentials and authenticate with Duo. If you are already signed into your App State Gmail account, you will automatically be redirected to the NotebookLM welcome page. Click Create to get started or click Try an example notebook to learn how to use NotebookLM.
    Create notes or try an example.

Uploading Sources and Generating Responses

  1. In the left panel, you can add and select your sources. 
    Add your sources.

    Source Types:

    NotebookLM supports various source types, including

    • Google Docs and Slides
    • PDF files
    • Text files
    • Markdown files
    • Web URLs
    • Copied and pasted text
    • YouTube URLs of public videos
    • Audio files


    • Users can have up to 100 notebooks.
    • Each notebook can contain up to 50 sources.
    • Each source can contain up to 500,000 words or up to 200MB for uploaded files.
    • All users start with up to 50 chat queries and three audio generations per day.


    • For Google Docs and Slides, NotebookLM makes a copy of the original file and does not track changes automatically. To update the source, you must manually re-sync the imported Google Doc or Slide. Only the text of the content is scraped, not the images or embedded videos. 
    • For YouTube videos, only the text transcript is imported as a source. 

  2. After adding your sources, type questions in the chat box to explore information about them, like summaries or detailed explanations.
    Use the chat to summarize or ask questions about your sources.

Build and Refine Complex Outputs

The Studio panel provides tools to help you create

  • audio overviews (two-person audio conversations that communicate in a realistic and conversational tone)
  • FAQs
  • Study guides
  • Tables of contents
  • A timeline or a briefing doc

You can also add notes to a running notebook or convert all your notes to sources. 
The studio panel can be used to enhance your generated responses.


To learn more


For questions, contact the ITS Academic Technologies team using the Service or Software Request Support Ticket (object: Notebook LM).

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