
The Quiz activity allows instructors to create and administer tests using multiple question types, such as multiple choice, matching, short-answer, essay, and numerical.

Key features

  • Question Variety: Choose from multiple types of questions to create comprehensive tests.
  • Multiple Attempts: Enable students to attempt the quiz multiple times.
  • Randomization: Shuffle the order of questions and responses, and generate quizzes with randomly selected questions from a question bank.
  • Availability and Timing: Set specific availability periods and time limits for each quiz, including separate times for students with accommodation needs.
  • Automatic Grading: Quiz attempts are automatically graded (except essay questions), with grades recorded in the gradebook.
  • Feedback Options: Control if and when hints, feedback, and correct answers are displayed to students.

When to use the Quiz activity

  • Course Exams: Conduct major assessments and exams.
  • Mini-Tests: Create short quizzes for reading assignments.
  • Exam Practice: Provide practice exams using questions from previous tests.
  • Formative Feedback: Offer immediate feedback on performance for continuous improvement.
  • Self-Assessment: Allow students to assess their own understanding and progress.

Where do Quiz questions live?

If you create your questions inside a Quiz, those questions remain inside that specific Quiz. Quiz questions can also be created and stored separately in the course Question Bank, and can then be reused in multiple Quizzes.

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