Within AsULearn, faculty can access several reports detailing which resources and activities of a course have been accessed, when, and by whom. 

The AsULearn reports are only capturing student behavior in AsULearn. A student who is doing well in your course (reading books, writing, and working) might show on AsULearn as being very inactive, whereas a student who is struggling, re-reading the same content many times without understanding it, might show as being very active. It’s important to contextualize the data that you can draw on in reports and connect it meaningfully with actions that students need to take.

Course Participation Report

Report that focuses on a specific activity or resource

Outline Report

Report that focuses on an individual participant within a site

Activity Report

Broad overview of participant engagement within a site

Course Participation Report

  • Generate a list of who has participated in a given activity or resource, and how many times.
  • Can be filtered by role, group, and action (View or Post).

  1. From your course home page, click Reports in the Course menu along the top.
  2. On the Reports page, select Course Participation.
    From Reports page click Course participation
  3. On this page, faculty can select the activity or resource. Faculty can also filter by role, group, and action (View or Post).

    Course participation report options

Outline Report

The Outline Report allows faculty to check on activity of an individual student. This information can be helpful, especially if the Early Intervention Team (EIT) contacts the faculty member about student participation within a course.

  1. From your course home page, click Participants in the Course menu along the top

    Select Participants in couse menu along the top

  2. Within the Participant list of names, click the text of the student name that you want to view.
  3. Within that student's profile, locate the Reports section and click Outline Report.
    In reports section choose outline report
  4.  For even more detail, follow the steps above, then select Complete report. It will include student submissions, rubric grades, instructor-provided feedback, etc.

Activity Report

If faculty want to get a broad overview of where students are going in the course, the Activity report is a simple report that provides only a date filter. It will display activities and resources in the course and how many users have clicked the item.

  1. From your course home page, click Reports in the Course menu along the top.
  2. Select Reports page, select Activity report.
  3. Within the Reports section, select Activity Report.

    From Reports page click Activity report

  4. On this page, it is easy to see the number of views and the number of participants that have clicked an activity or resource.

    Full activity report with date filter

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