The approver MUST be the Department Head. The Department Head should assign a proxy to approve time if needed in his or her absence. Entering the amounts in Web Time Entry may be easier if the employees keep records of their time on paper time sheets. 


  1. Log in to Self-Service to access your Time Sheet Link.
  2. Click Approve or Acknowledge Time Sheets; if acting as a proxy, select the name of the person.
  3. Click the Select button.
  4. Select Org and Pay Period to approve; select the sort option.
  5. Click the Select button.
  6. Click the employee name to see details; click the Approve or FYI button for each employee after checking the hours entered.
  7. Click the Save button.

The Web Time Entry system does not send automatic email notifications to employees of changes in the status of their time sheets. You should personally notify any employees whose time sheets are not approved. 

Step by Step with Images

  1. Log in.
    1. To enter your exception time via the Web, you must access Self-Service. To access Self-Service, follow the instructions below. If you already know how to log in, jump to Step 2.
      1. Access Self-Service Option 1:
        1. Visit and click the A-Z Index link at the top of the page.
        2. On the next page, click the S at the top of the Index page. This link will bring you to the S section of the list.
        3. Click on Self-Service.
        4. Log in using your App State user ID and password. 
          Steps to access Self-Service option 1.
      2. Access Self-Service Option 2:
        1. Visit
        2. Click the Login into Self-Service button
        3. Sign in using your App State user ID and password.

          Log into Self-Service through Appalnet.

  2. Access time sheets for approval.
    As an approver, you have the choice of either entering your own time or approving time. Click on the Approve or Acknowledge Time button. If you are acting as a proxy, select the name of the person for whom you are acting as a proxy from the drop-down list and then click on the Select button. 

    Approve or acknowledge timesheet.
    If you have more than one department to approve, choose the department by clicking on the radio button under My Choice. If there is more than one time period to approve, choose the desired time period from the drop-down list. Select the sort order in which you wish the records to be displayed, and then click the select button.

    Approving more than one department.
  3. Approve Time Sheet
    You can only approve Pending records. Employees who have not submitted their timesheet for approval will either appear as In Progress (timesheet has been started) or Not Started (timesheet has not been initiated).

    Approving timesheet. 
    To approve an employee’s time, click on the employee’s name that you wish to approve. The detail of the employee record will appear on the Employee Detailed Information page. If the employee’s record is not correct, you can click the Return for Correction button.

    Banner does not notify the employee that it has been returned. However, when the employee logs in to Self-Service and looks at the timesheet, it will be in a Returned for Correction status. There are also buttons to Change Record, Delete, or Add Comment.

    Viewing employee detailed information.

  4. Once you have verified that the employee’s record is correct, click the Approve button. You should get the message below indicating that the time was successfully approved. In addition, the Routing Queue information at the bottom of the timesheet will also indicate the approved status.

    Time approval notification. 
    Approval details.

Web Time Entry does not send automatic email notifications to employees of changes in the status of their time sheets. You should personally notify any employees whose time sheets are not approved.


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