You can stop receiving emails from a group by either leaving or unsubscribing from the Group.

Some groups are “no-opt-out” for all faculty/staff and students. These groups include Campus News and Events, Chancellor's Messages, and Emergency Communications.

Unsubscribing and Leaving a Group

  1. Navigate to and make sure you are signed in to your App State account.
    Navigating to your Google Groups.

  2. Click on My groups.
    Opening your groups.

  3. Click on the three-dot icon next to the group you want to unsubscribe to and then click Leave group.
    Opening your Group Settings.

  4. You will be asked to confirm that you want to leave the group. Click the button that says Yes, leave group.
    Leaving a Group..

To leave a group and stop getting emails from it, you can send an email to group name+unsubscribe@group domain. For example, to leave the group [email protected], you would send a message to [email protected]. You can send the request with no subject or body text.

Unsubscribe from group email while remaining a member

You can adjust your settings to receive group communications the way you prefer.  For example, you can be part of a group but choose not to receive any email from the group.

  1. Navigate to, make sure you are signed in to your App State account, and click on the My groups tab in the left sidebar menu.
    Navigating to your Groups.

  2. Select the check box on the name of the group you want to unsubscribe from then click Edit subscription.
    Editing your Group subscription.

  3. In the Subscription drop-down menu, choose your preferred delivery option.
    Changing your delivery options for group messages.

    Each email - Messages are sent individually as they’re posted to the group.
    Digest - Up to 25 complete messages are combined into single emails and sent daily.
    Abridged - Summaries of up to 150 messages are combined into single emails and sent daily.
    No email - Messages from the group are not sent.

  4. Click Confirm changes.
    Confirming the changes to your email subsciption delivery options.

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