Workshop Scheduler Admin Menu

It is recommended that one person in the community be responsible for maintaining the Workshop Types.

  1. Select your community from the dropdown list. Existing Workshop Types for your Community are listed.
  2. Specify how many rows of workshop types appear on this page by selecting the number of Items Per Page to display at the top right of the listing.
  3. Click Add Workshop Type to categorize the different workshops within your community.
  4. Enter a Code (short abbreviation) and Desc(ription) of the type, then click the Submit button in the top right corner of the screen. The Description is displayed in the Find a Workshop filter, so it should clearly identify for the user what kind of workshops are offered.
  5. Click the Edit link beside a listed workshop type to modify the Code or Description text or to upload a Logo Image used to identify workshop listings of that type. The image must be a GIF file that will be displayed 57 pixels wide by 55 pixels high. If the logo is not square, its background should be transparent. Consult someone knowledgeable in web graphics to help with constructing your logo.

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