Human Resources Information Center

Performance Management Timeline
Start DateDue DateTask OwnerDescription
April 1st (current year)May 30th (current year)Create Performance PlanSupervisor and EmployeeWork together to set goals for current performance cycle
April 1st (current year)May 30th (current year)Review and ApproveSecond-Level SupervisorApproves goals in performance plan
April 1st (current year)May 30th (current year)Employee AcknowledgementEmployeeAcknowledges that employee and supervisor have discussed goals
March 1st (next year)March 31 (next year)Employee Self-AppraisalEmployeeReviews goals and rates their performance
April 1st (next year)April 30th (next year)Supervisor AppraisalSupervisorReviews goals and rates employee performance
April 1st (next year)May 30 (next year)Review and ApproveSecond-Level SupervisorReviews and approves employee and supervisor appraisals
April 1st (next year)May 30 (next year)Appraisal Review Meeting Supervisor and Employee Meets to discuss performance and set next year's goals
April 1st (next year)May 30 (next year)Employee AcknowledgementEmployeeAcknowledges they have met with their supervisor to discuss performance