The alternative file format conversion tool provides teachers and students with the ability to easily convert the following AsULearn resources to alternate, accessible formats.
This self-service resource helps users create the following alternate formats to help meet their educational needs:
- Text
- Audio
- Ebook
- Daisy
- Braille
Expand |
title | Video: Using the Alternative File Format tool |
Widget Connector |
width | 640 |
url | |
height | 360 |
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title | Requesting a file conversion |
- A popup "Accessibility File Conversion" screen will display.
- You or one of your students can select the different conversion types available for converting the file.
- This icon appears beside any resource in AsULearn that can be converted.

Note |
title | File conversion times |
| File conversion requests can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to process. Conversion time is heavily dependent on both the size of the content being converted, and the type of content it's being converted into. |
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title | What happens after a request? |
When the requested content is done converting, the user who requested the conversion will receive an email with a download link to the converted file.
 A notice will also be posted in the requester's Notifications in AsULearn, with a download link.
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Content by Label |
showLabels | false |
max | 50 |
showSpace | false |
sort | title |
excludeCurrent | true |
cql | label in ("accessibility","asulearn-brickfield","asulearn-fs") and space = "ATKB" |
Excerpt Include |
| AsULearn Faculty Support |
| AsULearn Faculty Support |
nopanel | true |