- Reuse course content from a course you taught in a previous semester.
- Duplicate a course you're building into additional sections you're teaching.
- Import/copy an individual activity or resource from one course to another.
Note |
title | Imports only add content |
The Import function can only add content into a course. It cannot replace or delete existing content. |
This article covers how to import import all content from another course you've taught. You must import all course content to preserve any existing gradebook settings.
Import is available when you teach the same course within a 25-month period. You can only use the Import process when you can still see the old course on AsULearn in a past (or current) term.
If it's been more than two years since you taught a course, you'll need to upload and restore a personal backup of that course. Faculty receive multiple communications prior to a course being removed from AsULearn, encouraging them to create and save a course backup. See See Course Access and Retention for more information on the backup and restore processes.
Tip |
title | Import, or Backup & Restore? |
Q: When can should I use Import instead of the Backup & Restore process?
A: It's always faster and easier to use the Import process. But to use Import, the course has to be available to you currently in AsULearn. That means that it cannot be more than 25 months since the beginning of the semester in which you taught it. Since courses more than two years old are removed from the server, the Import process is not available for them. Basically, if you can find the old course in AsULearn in a past term, you can import it - so long as you role in the course is Teacher! That said, you should create and download a backup of each course you teach at the end of the semester in which you taught it. That way, if there's a greater than two-year gap before you teach it again, you can upload and restore your backup in a matter of seconds and get back to work, no support ticket required! |
Expand |
title | Oops! I accidentally imported multiple copies of content! |
If you accidentally import multiple copies of content into your current course, you can remove the duplicates in bulk using the Bulk Edit tool. See the Bulk Editing Course Content article for instructions. Excerpt Include |
| ATKB:Course: Restore from a Backup |
| ATKB:Course: Restore from a Backup |
nopanel | true |
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Content by Label |
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