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title | Examples of how Natural calculates course totals |
Example 1A course with 10 grades worth 100 points each will have a course total of 1,000 points once all grades have been entered. Example 2aA course with 5 grades worth 100 points each has a course total of 500 points once all grades have been entered. If only two grades are entered, each student’s current total is their earned points in those two grades out of the 200 points they could have earned. Example 2bBuilding on Example 2a, if one student has two grades entered, but another student only has one grade entered, their course totals will be different in the gradebook. Name | Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Course Total |
First Student | 90/100 | 90/100 | | Second Student | 90/100 | - | 90/100 | |
Changing how your grades are calculated
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cql | label in ("asulearn-gradebook","asulearn-fs") and space = currentSpace() |
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| AsULearn Faculty Support |
| AsULearn Faculty Support |
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