Grades calculated using Simple Weighted Mean of Grades (SWMoG) are simply weighted by their point values, rather than by a weight you manually enter. The course total is 100 by default.
This article explains how SWMoG calculates a course or category total. A tutorial for how to change your gradebook's aggregation type to SWMoG is embedded at the end of this article.
Using Simple Weighted Mean of Grades
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title | Video: Grading with Simple Weighted Mean of Grades |
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title | Why use Simple Weighted Mean of Grades? |
Use SWMoG if all of the following are true: - You aren't using percentages in your course (e.g. Quizzes are worth 40% of the course total, Attendance is worth 10% of the course total, etc).
- You want the course total to always calculate on a 100 point scale (e.g. students will see they have 85/100).
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title | Characteristics of grades calculated with Simple Weighted Mean of Grades |
SWMoG has the following characteristics: Weights are determined by each activity's point value. A quiz worth 100 points has twice the weight of a quiz worth 50 points. The course total equals 100 by default, and all entered grades are collectively scaled to this total. Though the course total can be changed to any number you select, it will be set to 100 by default. All entered and earned grades are scaled to this total. A student's grade is the number of earned points out of the total number of available points, scaled to the course total. Because of these characteristics, course totals in courses using SWMoG often read as percentages rather than points. |
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title | Examples of how Simple Weighted Mean of Grades calculates course and category totals |
Example 1aA course with 10 quizzes, worth 100 points each, will have a default course total of 100 points. Example 1bIf grades for two of the quizzes are entered, each student's current course total is their percentage of earned points out of available points, scaled to the course total of 100. Example 2In a course with two grades worth 50 points each, and one grade worth 100 points, the 100 point grade will be weighted at twice the value of either 50 point grade in the course total. Name | Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Course Total |
First Student | 50/50 | 85/100 | | Second Student | 45/50 | - | 90/100 | |
Changing how your grades are calculated
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title | Changing grade aggregation types |
Excerpt Include |
| ATKB:Gradebook: Changing Grade Aggregation Types |
| ATKB:Gradebook: Changing Grade Aggregation Types |
The Simple weighted mean of grades aggregation method is best for people who use a combination of points and percentages. This aggregation type does not allow you to set a weight for items or the categories; it simply uses the inherent weighting you've established by setting different maximum point values. For example, a 75-point item is worth more than a 25-point item. If you want all the student scores added together and divided by the points possible to obtain a percentage, use this aggregation. This aggregation also easily allows teachers to flag items as extra credit, if that option is needed.
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Simple Weighted Mean sums the scores the student has earned and divides by points possible to arrive at a percentage. 6/10 + 8/10 + 88/100= 102/120 (85%) |
Step-by-step guide
To set course Aggregation type to Simple weighted mean of grades:
Info |
If you have questions about gradebook setup, please contact your college consultant. |
The video below
- demonstrates how to set the Aggregation
- explains how point values are related to the total score
- demonstrates how to add a graded item (1:18)
- demonstrates how to group graded items into a category (2:03)
- demonstrates how to specify a graded item as extra credit (3:10)
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