- Click the More tab in the options along the top, then choose Status set if you'd like to edit the Status set available to you for marking attendance. The default settings are: Present (P), Late (L), Excused (E), and Absent (A). Points are set to 2, 1, 1, and 0 respectively. Even if you set the Grade Type for the activity to None (see step 4 above), you can still use points within the activity itself, it just won't send scores to your gradebook. You can edit/hide/delete an existing status, add new ones, and combine and save them into Status sets. Click on theicons to learn more about the options on the page. If you make changes on the Status set page, be sure to click the Update button at the bottom to save them. Then return to the Attendance activity page by clicking Attendance in the options along the top.
- From the course homepage (usually with Edit mode off), click the Attendance activity.
- You can view All sessions, All past sessions, or filter by Months, Weeks, or Days with the buttons at the top right. If groups are being used, you can also use the Sessions pulldown to select the group.
- There are tool tips on each Action icon; just mouse over to see them. From left to right they are: Take attendance, Edit session, and Delete session. You can easily delete any session during a university break by clicking the trash icon for that session. You can also select multiple sessions with the checkboxes, then use the dropdown menu at the bottom to delete.
- To take attendance during (or after) a class meeting, click the forward arrow icon for the session. The list of students is displayed. Click the button in the appropriate column: Present, Absent, Late, Excused
- TIP: A shortcut for taking attendance is to click the letter P at the top to mark everyone Present . Then change the mark for any late or absent students.
- NOTE: If there are more than 50 students in the session, there will be more than one screen for the student list: in the upper right, change the dropdown with 50 to Do not use paging to display the full student list on one screen. Otherwise, click the arrows beside the Page # of # field to move through the screens.
- Change Sorted list to Sorted grid to display student pictures prominently (max 50 students per screen).
- Use the Remarks column to make notes that are visible to the teacher and the individual student, such as the reason for an excused absence.
- Click Save and show next page at the bottom of the screen. You'll be returned to the Attendance activity page. The forward arrow turns to a green arrow when attendance has been taken for a session. To edit the attendance, click the green arrow for that session.