The Simple weighted mean of grades aggregation method is best for people who use a combination of points and percentages. This aggregation type does not allow you to set a weight for items or the categories; it simply uses the inherent weighting you've established by setting different maximum point values. For example, a 75-point item is worth more than a 25-point item. If you want all the student scores added together and divided by the points possible to obtain a percentage, use this aggregation. This aggregation also easily allows teachers to flag items as extra credit, if that option is needed.
Step-by-step guide
To set course Aggregation type to Simple weighted mean of grades:
- From the main course page, select Gradebook setup from the gear icon (top right).
- Click the Edit > Edit settings link next to the course category.
- Toggle or confirm that Aggregation is set to Simple weighted mean of grades.
- Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen.
If you have questions about gradebook setup, please contact your college consultant.
The video below
- demonstrates how to set the Aggregation
- explains how point values are related to the total score
- demonstrates how to add a graded item (1:18)
- demonstrates how to group graded items into a category (2:03)
- demonstrates how to specify a graded item as extra credit (3:10)