Human Resources Information Center

Follow the instructions below to find closed plans/appraisals from previous years for your employees.

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  1. Click "My Employees' Reviews" on the left side of the screen or under the Performance tab at the top.
    1. Result: You will see all active reviews for employees that report to you - both directly and indirectly.
  2. Click the "Advanced" button to the top right of the screen.
    1. Result: You will see an expanded "blue" search bar appear under the "Advanced" button.
  3. Click the dropdown box labeled "Program Status".
  4. Select "Closed".
  5. Click the employee's last name in the first column to the left.
  6. Click on the link to the left for the items listed below:
    • Plan
    • Self-Appraisal
    • Supervisor Appraisal
    • Approvals & Acknowledgements 
    • Off-Cycle/Peer-Review Feedback
  7. Do you want to view another performance plan cycle?
    1. If Yes,
      • click the "back arrow" at the top left of your screen
      • repeat Steps 5 - 7
    2. If No,
      • Click "Log Out" in the top right corner of the screen

End of Instructions

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