To get to your Notification Preferences, go to your user profile.

  1. Click your profile icon in the upper right of the screen.

  2. After clicking the icon, select “View My Profile".

  3. Once in your profile settings, use the left navigation and select “Notification Preferences” to open the drop-down sub-options.

  4. Once the sub-option opens, select the option you want to edit.

  5. For this example, we are editing Form Requests (Contract Requests). Click Form Requests → Edit Section.

  6. Once available, click the Override circle check icon of the notification you are updating. Select the type of notification you want to receive.


    Types of Notification

    • None - indicates that the user does not receive this notification.
    • Email - indicates that the user receives the notification by email only.
    • Notification - indicates that the user receives the notification in YoMart (Notification Icon).
    • Email & Notification - indicates that the user receives both a notification in YoMart and an email.
  7. Once done, click the Save button.

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