Human Resources Information Center

All new hires (SHRA, EHRA, TEMP) must complete the "new" New Employee Onboarding program (revised 1/1/2024). Employees are considered to be "new hires" if they:

  • have been hired into their first position at App State,
  • are rehires who have not previously completed the new new employee orientation and onboarding program.
  • are moving into a permanent position and have not previously completed new employee orientation and onboarding.
Position TypeNEOOnboarding
Permanent full time Boone-based employeesYes - In-person RequiredFull course required

Permanent full time non-Boone-based employees 

(Hickory, field-based, fully remote)

Yes - In-person expected. Managers should work with new hires to align training with NEO dates. 

Hybrid option via Zoom on NEO dates are available for extenuating circumstances. Pre-approval by the Office of Human Resources is required.

Full course required

Temporary to Permanent

 - who did complete the "new" new orientation and onboarding program as a new temp hire

No - not required

Full course required.

Partial course would have been required as a new temp hire. 

The employee will be required to complete the remaining items previously waived for their temp status.

Temporary to Permanent

 - who did not complete the "new" new orientation and onboarding program as a new temp hire

Yes - In-person RequiredFull course required

Returning Permanent employees

 - Who have not attended New Employee Orientation within the past year.

Yes - In-person Required

Full course required

Returning Permanent employees

- Who have attended New Employee Orientation within the past year.

No - Not Required

Full course required

Employee will need to review the onboarding course and complete any new or outstanding training activities.

New Temporary Hires 

 (includes student to non-student temporary)

Yes - In-person Required

Partial course required

(compliance topics)

Academy at Elkin


Academy at Middle Fork

Yes - In-person recommended.

A hybrid option via Zoom on NEO dates will be available. 

Online orientation presentation required if none of the options above are feasible. 

Partial course required

(compliance topics)

(green star) If you are not sure which category your new employee fits into, please contact [email protected].