Choose a format to determine how sections or topic blocks will behave on your course page.The topics format is the default in AsULearn.

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. From the main course page, select Settings from the gear icon (top right).
  2. Within the settings page, toggle to view the course format options.

    Course format options in AsULearn
  3. Select the desired format for the site.

    Flexible Sections: Similar to Topics format except that it is possible to add subsections within a topic and each section can be shown expanded or collapsed.
    Grid format: A modular and visual course format. Hides all topics and creates a grid of icons (one for each topic) with short titles. Clicking on an icon brings up the content from the corresponding topic.
    Kickstart format: Select a template with ready-made content to get you started.
    Topics: Course Sections appear as blocks that do not collapse and are always open.
    Collapsed Topics: Allows individual users to expand and collapse the course Sections. This format avoids the need to scroll down a very long page to access the bottom sections of a course.
    Weekly Format: Organizes course Sections by week, with a clear start and finish date. AsULearn creates and names a section for each week of your course based on the Start date listed

  4. Click the Save and Display button at the bottom of the page to retain any updates.

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