The Kickstart plug-in allows instructors to quickly and easily import content from course templates into their own AsULearn courses.

Step-by-step guide

Complete the following steps to import a template using the Kickstart template:

  1. Go to your course and click on Settings in the gear menu.
    settings link in the gear menu
  2. Scroll down to Course format and select Kickstart format.
    Kickstart option in the Course format dropdown
  3. Save and display.
  4. Select a template then click Use template.
    templates shown on the Kickstart page
  5. Confirm the use of the template and click on the Import button.
    Import button in the confirmation window
  6. Your course will now contain the content from the selected template.
  • The Kickstart import is an additive restore, which means you will not lose any content in the process. Thus allowing a template to be imported into a course with existing content.
  • After importing a template, the course format is changed to that of the backup template. This means you may need to switch your course format back at end of this process to what it was previously.
  • If you need to switch your course format, return to the course homepage, click on Settings in the gear menu, select the desired format in the Course format section, and Save and Display at the bottom.

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