Keep track of students' attendance for an AsULearn course. 

Add the Attendance activity

1. From the course page, click on the Turn editing on button (top right).

2. In the topic where you want the Attendance link to appear, click the Add an activity link.

3. Under the Activities tab, click Attendance, then click the Save and display button at the bottom.

4. On the newly displayed Attendance page, click to the Status set tab to set your preferences for grades with relation to attendance.

The Center for Academic Excellence strongly recommends selecting Grade Type: None to keep the attendance activity from affecting your gradebook totals.

Many faculty lower students' final grades when a certain threshold is crossed. For example, if you want to lower a student's grade after three absences, then set Grade Type: None, and manually adjust grades at the end of the semester.

5. Click Save and display to show the Attendance setup page for the course.

6. Click the Status set tab to review the options for marking attendance. The default settings are: Present, Absent, Late, Excused. Points are set to 0 if Grade Type: None was set (step 4). If you make changes on the Status set page, click the Update button at the bottom to save them.

7. Click the Add session tab to add attendance dates/sessions for your course.

Take Attendance

  1. From the course homepage (with Editing turned off), click the Attendance activity.

  2. You can view All sessions, All past sessions, or filter by MonthsWeeks, or Days with the buttons at the top right.
  3. Click the gear icon to edit the properties of the session. Click the trashcan icon to delete the attendance activity for a session that will not meet, as when there is a university break.

  4. To take attendance during (or after) a class meeting, click the forward arrow for the session. The list of students is displayed. Click the button in the appropriate column: Present, Absent, Late, Excused
  5. Click Save attendance button at the bottom of the screen. The forward arrow turns to a green arrow when attendance has been taken for a session. To edit the attendance, click the green arrow for that session.

Click the Add session tab to insert a meeting, such as a class event that meets outside the regular schedule.

The Report tab provides an aggregated visual record for the teacher about class attendance, as well as summaries for individual students: click on student name in the Attendance report.

From the Export tab specify the options to export attendance data to a file and download, then click OK at the bottom of the screen.

Take attendance from the AsULearn mobile app

Attendance can now be taken directly from the AsULearn mobile app. Currently only sessions that started in the last 6 hours or that will start 1 day in the future will be available. This setting can be expanded systematically, so please let us know if a broader time frame would be helpful.

  1. Browse to the Attendance activity in the course from within the mobile app.

  2. Click the Submit Attendance button below the desired session.

  3. Select the desired default status under Set status for to set the status for All students.

  4. Set the desired status for individual students under their Name.

  5. Click the Submit Attendance button at the bottom to save and record.

Configure Attendance Warnings

Warnings thresholds affect the Absentee report and allow students and third parties to be notified. NOTE: If more than one warning is triggered at exactly the same time, only the warning with the lower warning threshold will be sent.

  1. From the attendance activity, go to the Warnings set tab and click the Add warning button.

  2. Configure the settings:
  3. Click the Add button to save the Warnings set.

Generating QR Codes to Take Attendance

Added Notes about QR Codes

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