

Mailchimp is a widely-used email marketing and automation platform that allows businesses and individuals to create, send, and manage email campaigns. It provides a range of tools and features to help users engage with their audience, build and manage email lists, and track campaign performance.

Who can use this service?

Faculty & Staff

How do I purchase a license?

Licenses are purchased at the department level. Users should obtain permission from their department chair or supervisor before purchasing this license. Premium, Essential, and Standard licenses can be purchased directly from the Mailchimp website.

Free versions of this license are also available for use with limited features.

How do I obtain a license?

Licenses are purchased at the department level. Users should check with their department administration team for license availability. 

How do I request this service?

Obtain permission from your department or unit/head prior to purchasing this software. New accounts need to submit an account assistance ticket to complete the setup of the service.

Internal Data (Requires Login)

Status: Active

07/13/2023 15:07:51