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When importing a course from one term to another within the same academic year (Fall to Summer II), you can use the Import feature (below). If the courses are in different academic years, use a backup and restore.

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Navigate to the upcoming course in AsULearn where you wish to import content. Click the Gear at the top right, and select Import:
  2. Then choose the course whose content you wish to import from the list, and click Continue:
  3. LTS strongly recommends that you take the default settings, and on the next screen, simply Jump to final step. Importing the entire course will preserve the structure of your gradebook, and you can easily edit the course AFTER the import:
  4. Your course content will be imported, and clicking Continue will deliver you back to the course where you started, now displaying the imported content:

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