Once students have submitted their assignments in an Assignment submission space, you'll need to grade them. Here's how. 

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Step-by-step guide

Assignment: Grading

Once students have submitted to an assignment you can view and access the submissions by clicking the assignment itself and then on the View all submissions button.  If you choose the Grade button you will skip this next step. 

After you click on the View All Submissions button you'll see the students' submission details and the link to Grade the assignments submissions. 

This grading page will include all the features you selected when setting up the assignment, often including the space for feedback comments, feedback files,  and the text field to enter the student's score on the assignment. 

You'll also see a place for annotating PDFs, called the review pane . If students submitted a PDF file as their submission, it will be displayed with the option to use the annotation tools to mark up the PDF inside AsULearn.  

This review pane option can be collapsed by using the buttons in the bottom right-hand corner. You have the following options for viewing and grading student submissions on the grading page.

After you have graded the student's submission, click on the Save changes button at the bottom of the page. 

Note: You may also select Quick grading at the bottom of the Grading page under Options. Quick grading allows you to assign grades and provide feedback directly in the grading table. However, this option is not available for assignments that use advanced grading (rubrics and marking guides).

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