The Natural aggregation method (sum of points) adds all the values of the various graded items together. It works best for people who work on a point system to determine final grades.

Step-by-step guide

  1. From the main course page, select Gradebook setup from the gear icon.

  2. Click the Edit > Settings link at the top.

  3. Toggle the Aggregation type to Natural.

  4. Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen.

By default, Natural weighting produces a sum of the grades. The Weights column displays the relative weights of the items as percentages, based on each item’s points. Using natural aggregation also makes it easier to flag grade items as extra credit, if that option is needed.

Extra Credit 

To set a grade item or assignment to extra credit follow these steps:

Instructors can override grade items’ default weights and enter alternate weights by selecting the box next to any of the weights.

The natural weighting method is flexible and can be applied in different ways to produce different results. People who utilize sum or percentage grading could take advantage of this aggregation method. Flexibility can also sometimes create confusion, so if you have questions about gradebook setup, we encourage you to contact your college consultant.

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