Prior to building a profile, users should consult with their department chair regarding what information is relevant for the reporting needs of the department and college. 

Users who previously worked at an institution which used Watermark Faculty Success can request to have some of their information transferred from that system to the Appalachian State application. Information specific to the former institution - such as classes and some service entries - cannot be transferred.

  1. After logging in to Watermark Faculty Success, the landing page will display several types of screens - which appear as links - listed in five groups:
    1. General Information
    2. Reports
    3. Teaching
    4. Scholarship/Research
    5. Service

  2. Three screens should be pre-populated with information from Banner - “Personal and Contact Information,” “Permanent Data” and “Yearly Data.” Review them for accuracy.

  3. "Education" should be pre-populated by Banner, but will only contain information on a user's most recent degree earned. Input past degrees, if applicable.
  4. "Scheduled Teaching" may have information regarding current class schedule. Course information is uploaded from Banner prior to the start of an academic semester, then again after the drop/add date. Review the entries for accuracy. Several are read-only, and updated only via the Banner import.

  5. The “Current and Past Positions Held” screen allows users to record work history, including the position currently held. Complete these fields as necessary.

  6. If applicable, create entries within "Consulting", "Professional Memberships" and "Administrative Assignment" screens.

  7. The options within the Scholarship/Research section allow users to input relevant research history. "Publications" entries can be searched and imported via an online database or BibTex files. Entries within the other screens must be input manually.

  8. Screens within the "Service and Other Activity" section should be completed when relevant.

If you have any questions regarding Digital Measures, please contact the University Administrator:

Rob Robertson
Watermark Faculty Success Administrator

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