Note: Do not attempt to operate the cameras without first practicing using them. Set aside time at least a day before your event to confirm that they work the way you intend. IT Support Services cannot guarantee that someone will be available to assist with the cameras during your event so please plan ahead. If you would like to request training, please submit a request at

This is a guide for the basic operation of the cameras in Levine Hall room 103. The term NDI is the protocol for how the cameras operate and will be the term used to identify the cameras, as opposed to USB cameras, Logitech cameras, OWL Cameras, etc. This guide can also be used for a portable NDI camera.

This guide assumes that the user has basic knowledge of both classroom and Zoom operations. It is recommended that the user familiarize themselves with the classroom and technology prior to using the equipment during class.

Quick Start Guide - Basic scenario: recording or streaming a presentation using Zoom

Begin by logging in to the podium computer in 103. Once the computer is logged in, open any presentations, documents, websites, or any other presentation media that you plan to use. Then continue with the following steps: 

  1. Open Zoom, sign in and begin the meeting as normal.
    1. Make sure that Microphone (SPCA2291) is selected as the microphone. This is the microphone that is built into the screen on the podium. It picks up a large range so there is no need to lean into any microphone, just present normally.
    2. Make sure that NewTek NDI Video is selected as the camera. This will likely freeze the last image in Zoom, which is expected. The image in Zoom will likely be frozen or blank until the camera is activated in the next step.
  2. Select the correct camera in the NDI Virtual Input...
    1. In the bottom right corner of the screen, click the small up-arrow to bring up a list of background programs. 
    2. Find the small yellow NDI icon and right-click it.1
    3. Find the option PTZO LLH 103A and select Channel 1
    4. Once the camera is selected, you should see the Zoom image change.
  3. Use the camera remote to change the angle of the camera.
    1. Point the remote at the cameras in the back of the room and select one of the preset positions (1-8) on the number pad of the remote. You will likely want to use numbers 1, wide stage view; 2, wide podium view; or 3, narrow podium view; depending on how animated the speaker is. 
  4. Setup other odds and ends...
    1. If needed, select the “Share Screen” option in Zoom and select the appropriate content. 
    2. If you need to amplify your voice in the room, make sure the microphones are on and that they are unmuted from the Extron control panel.
    3. If recording, select Record > Record to the Cloud and begin the presentation.
  5. Once finished, end the Zoom meeting. Use the remote to select preset 0, this turns the camera to a neutral position. No additional action is needed and you may close any programs, log out, and turn off the projectors and displays.

1 If the yellow NDI icon is not available, go to the desktop and find the Virtual Input program. However, the program should launch on startup.

Other Tips and Tricks

  • Prior to recording or streaming, review your personal Zoom settings at It is highly recommended that you review each feature under your Zoom settings so that you have control over things like whether participants remain muted, if the meeting controls bar is shown during screen share, etc.
  • You may elect to use a different camera. This guide suggests using “PTZO LLH 103A” which is one of the cameras in the back of the room. “PTZO LLH 103B” is the other camera in the back. “PTZO LLH 103C” is the camera in the front of the room facing the audience.
  • The presenter doesn’t always need to operate the camera. If necessary, you may train one of your students to operate the camera for you. This is especially helpful if you plan to teach remotely and still wish to interact live with the class. In that case, a student can follow these instructions and use the “PTZO LLH 103C” camera to allow the instructor to call in and interact with the class.
  • You do not need to use Zoom. You may also use any other recording or streaming software. Simply make sure that Newtek NDI Video is selected as a video source. It should show up on any recording/streaming software as if it were a normal webcam.

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