Access Zoom Video and Web Conferencing Settings

Navigate to and click Log in.

Profile Settings

  1. Click on Profile in the left sidebar menu and then click on your profile picture to upload a new picture or delete your current one.

You can change your name, display name, add a pronunciation guide, and pronouns to your profile card in meetings.

Update your location, company, department, and title which can be viewed in a meeting.

Your profile is also where you can view your personal information like your Personal Meeting ID and link, your host key. To change your Personal Meeting ID, click edit to the right of Personal Meeting ID. To create a personal link for meetings, click customize next to Personal Link.

To connect your calendar and/or contacts from Google, Microsoft Exchange, or Microsoft 365: 

  1. Scroll down to Calendar and Contacts Integration under your Profile settings.

  2. Select a Service, set permissions, and then click Next.

  3. Your browser will navigate to the service account where you can allow Zoom permission to sync. Click Continue.

Universal Meeting Settings

On the Zoom homepage, click on Settings in the left sidebar menu to view and change the general meeting settings. 


  1. Select Recording from the topbar scroll menu. Local recording will affect host and participant recording permissions of your meetings and webinars. You can enable options like saving chat messages and closed captions, adjusting cloud settings, and allowing participants or hosts to record.
  1. Scroll down to turn on Cloud Recording. This setting will allow you to enable detailed recording settings that will apply to all hosts in your meeting/webinar. 

  2. Scroll down further for a list of advanced cloud recording settings.

Selecting active speaker with shared screen - When someone is sharing their screen the active speaker will show on the top right corner of the shared screen.

Selecting gallery view with shared screen - Gallery view is the default view in a webinar or meeting. A strip of participants will be shown either at the side or the top of the screen share.

Examples of different views

To exclude recording participants, you can disable the setting Record gallery view with shared screenTo exclude recording the active speaker, you can disable the setting Record active speaker with shared screen.

Disabling both of these settings will record only the shared content on the screen.

You can also choose to create a recording for each view individually.

You can adjust settings that will notify participants and guests that the meeting or webinar is being recorded by toggling the recording notifications disclaimer setting.


Click Settings in the left sidebar menu, then click Meeting, then Security to adjust the following settings.

The default setting for the waiting room is off, turning it on will place all participants in the waiting room immediately, even those who show up after the meeting has started. Hosts must admit all participants individually.

To turn off all participant videos upon their entering the meeting:

To mute all participants when they join the meeting:

Disable host and participant screen sharing: 

  • No labels