Google maintains the Google Workspace Learning Center, which provides extensive training on the basics of using Google Workspace products. You can navigate to specific Google Workspace products for application-specific assistance below:

See Google Help Center Comprehensive List of Google Workspace Shortcuts.

To navigate between products in Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), use the 3x3 Apps Grid icon in the top right corner of any Google Workspace application and choose the application you would like to visit. Some apps may be disabled by administrators.

Navigating to diferent Google Workspace Apps using the 3x3 Space

If you manage multiple @appstate Gmail accounts, there are two methods to access those accounts in the same browser: Managing People in Google Chrome and Account Delegation.

Manage People

  1. In Chrome, click your profile icon in the top right corner of your browser.

  2. In the pop-up context menu, click add to add another profile or click on another user under “other profiles” to switch to that user (If you click to add another account you will be prompted to log into the @appstate account that you wish to add. You can repeat this process for each @appstate account that you manage.

Account Delegation

See the article Setting up Mail Delegation in Gmail, to learn how to manage users using account Delegation.

Unless configured otherwise, most browsers maintain active sessions for all Google Workspace applications based on Gmail accounts. If you have a personal Google Account, you can add any additional, non-App State accounts by following the steps listed in this Google Workspace Support Document, or view the video below:

Switching between your App State account and a personal Googl account.

To join Groups-GoogleTips, visit the Google Workspace tips sign-up page.

Google does not yet allow non-admin users to migrate folders from Drive to Team Drive. For assistance moving folders, submit a support ticket and the Help Desk will reach out to you for a consultation.

To review frequently asked questions about Google Workspace products, visit Google Workspace FAQ.

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