Articles to Assist with Off-Boarding
Transitioning to your account: Google Account Transition
Transferring personal Gmail data from your @appstate account to your account: Transferring Personal Gmail Data
How to transfer content from your account to a personal Google account: Transfer Content in your App State Google Account
How to retrieve personal Google Drive content prior to separation/retirement: How to Retrieve Personal Google Drive Content
Describes how to Retrieve Personal Google Photos Content Prior to Separation/retirement: How to Retrieve Personal Google Photos
Describe how to export your account contacts into your or a personal Gmail account prior to separation/retirement: Export App State Contacts to another Gmail Account
Deleting your App State Google Account could affect services, products, and apps associated with your App State account. This article describes how to check for associated services that might have been used with your App State Gmail: How to Check for Associated Google Services (Former Employees, Students, or Retirees
Office Supplies and Equipment policy for an employee's separation from employment with the university: Office Supplies and Equipment Policy for FWA