This guide is a quick reference on how to initiate and complete common tasks in Self-Service (Banner 9). 

Accessing Self-Service (Banner 9)

  1. To access the Self-Service platform go to
  2. Click on the button for Log into Self-Service which will take you to the main self-service home page.

  3. Use your App State Credentials and authenticate with DUO to access the Self-Service homepage.

As Faculty, how do I….

  1. Visit and log into Self-Service.
  2. Click the Faculty tab in the top menu.
  3. There are two ways to view your schedule as a faculty member:
    a. Click on the Week at a Glance tile to show a calendar view of your classes by week.

    b. Or click on the Detail Schedule tile to show a more detailed view of your classes.

  1. Visit and log into Self-Service.
  2. Click the Faculty tab in the top menu.
  3. Click Student Search.

  4. The Student Search page will be displayed. To search for a student select the term, enter the student's Banner ID or Enter a name (full or partial), then click submit.

  5. After clicking submit, the results of your search will be displayed below. Click anywhere on a row to view that student’s Profile.
  1. Visit and log into Self-Service.
  2. Click the Faculty tab in the top menu.
  3. Click Class List.

  4. The main class list (CRN List) page will be displayed. This shows all your active classes. You can limit your search to a certain term by utilizing the term drop-down menu or selecting a class by clicking on the subject name on the left-hand side.

  5. Selecting a Class will display the class list page, which shows pertinent information for the course.
    Commonly used options on this page include

(1) Exporting & printing (top right > export button).
(2) Switching between class & wait lists (left side).
(3) Switching between summary & detailed view (right side drop down).
(4) Selecting all or individual students (left side checkboxes).
(5) Emailing selected students (right side > envelope button).

  1. Visit and log into Self-Service.
  2. Click the Faculty tab in the top menu.
  3. Click Faculty Grade Entry.

  4. The Faculty Grade Entry page will initially list all of your courses, but can quickly be filtered or reordered by either (1) sorting any column or (2) using the search bar to filter your results.

  5. Once you have found the class that needs to be graded, click anywhere in the row to generate the Enter Grades section.
  6. After Highlighting the row, click under the Final Grades column to get a drop-down list of applicable grades. If the Last Attend Date field is required you can enter this manually or select the calendar icon to produce date selection. If the student never attended or never participated, please enter the first day of class for that course and enter '0' in the 'Hours Attended' column.

  7. Once you are ready to save, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Save.

  8. After saving, you will receive one of the notifications below outlining the status of the course's grading:

    Save was successful and grading is complete for this course

    Save was successful but grading is still in progress for this course

    Save was successful but errors were found

  9. If errors are found, after clicking OK you are presented with three options.

    Note that grades without errors have already been saved. Clicking Cancel or No will allow you to click on the “A last attend date is required for this grade” notification link to jump to the missing information.

    If you have clicked on the link above, a missing Last Attend Date will be highlighted as shown below:

  10. After resolving all errors and saving, scroll to the top of the page to ensure that the Grading Status shows as Completed.

As an Advisor, how do I...

  1. Visit and log into Self-Service.
  2. Click the Faculty tab in the top menu.
  3. Click Advisors
  4. Click Advisee Search

  5. Once the advisee search page is displayed, (1) select your term, (2) search for a student using the search bar or (3) click on View my Advisee Listing to display your entire advisee list.

  6. After searching for a student, their name will be displayed. You can click View Profile to view the student’s Profile. 
  7. Click View My Advisee Listing, to see a list of your advisees. To export your advisee list, click on the gear in the top right corner and then click Export Advisee Listing.

  8. You can also email all the advisees listed by clicking Email All, or Filter the list to target specific groups. 

Locating a Student's Registration PIN

  1. Click on a student’s name or Banner ID to pull up the student’s Profile.

    Clicking on the student’s picture will display a profile card that displays additional information including program of study, major, email, phone number, and address.

For Employees...

Click on the tab labeled Employees at the top which will bring up the main Employees homepage.


Under this tab, you will find links to all your Employee Self-Service pages.

i. Employees main page includes:

    1. Employee Dashboard – takes you to the Employee profile page with all your pay, benefits and leave information, etc is available. You may also access your timesheet form here as well as other options like Faculty Load and Compensation.
    2. Additional Employee Data – this will take you to a quick overview of your job information like salary, pay grade, service time and your mandatory/non-mandatory status.
    3. Total Compensation – Shows you your total compensation data for the prior year.
    4. Disability Voluntary Self-Id Reporting – Allows you to confidentially report whether you have a disability.
    5. Veteran’s Reporting – Allows reporting your military service and veteran’s information.
    6. UNC Systems Benefits – a quick link to EBENEFITS and Empyrean websites for your benefits data.

  1. Payroll Dropdown
    1. Time Entry – quick link to access your web time entry timesheet. This can also be accessed from the Employee Dashboard.
    2. Pay Stubs – quick link to access all your pay stubs.
    3. Direct Deposit – quick link to access the Direct Deposit Page in employee self-service.

  2. Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement – quick link to the flexible work arrangement form.

  3. Effort Reporting – quick link for employees to access the Grant Effort reporting page and approvals.

  4. Miscellaneous – Access to all the additional pages you may need.
    1. Parking and Traffic
    2. Touchnet
    3. ASU Foundation Payroll Deduction request page
    4. App State Careers
    5. HIS Safety Training
    6. App Travel and Expense (Chrome River)

Note: A lot of these are also accessible from the Employee homepage Dashboard as well.

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