Zoom Telehealth is a secure web conferencing tool that is intended to be used for health-related consultation services.

Yes. Additional information about settings controls and encryption can be referenced on the HIPAA Compliance page.

Zoom Telehealth accounts are provisioned to AppState service providers on an as-needed basis.  Please contact the Help Desk if you are a service provider interested in using Zoom Telehealth.

Zoom Telehealth patients/participants/invited attendees do not need to request a Zoom Telehealth account.   The service provider/host account initiates all meetings and applies the inherent security settings when starting the meeting.

Yes, screen sharing transmits encrypted screen capture along with mouse and keyboard strokes and is permitted. 

Cloud recording is disabled to meet HIPAA compliance standards. Local Recording is permitted after consultation with the Office of Information Security to ensure local data storage standard are met.  

 When a Zoom Telehealth Account is provisioned the requester determines if the provider will need access to a.) only Telehealth or b.) both Telehealth and  Zoom Pro  

If provisioned with both a Telehealth and Pro account, service providers are responsible for understanding the login/management/difference of these accounts.

Zoom Telehealth offers multiple options to login and schedule a meeting. 

Login/Schedule from the Zoom Telehealth Web Portal  (https://yosef-appstate-edu.zoom.us)
Web portal login.
OR Login/Schedule from the Zoom Desktop App 

  1.   Locate and run the Zoom App from a supported device (View comprehensive instructions on the Starting the Zoom Desktop App Zoom documentation page.)
  2. When prompted to log in, select Sign in with SSO
    Single Sign-On in the Zoom App.

  3. For Company Domain enter:  yosef-appstate-edu
    Enter the yosef-appstate-edu domain.

  4. Authenticate with your AppState Credentials

We recommend customizing your Zoom Telehealth profile picture for an easy indicator of which account you are logged into (See the full instructions for Customizing your Profile)
Telehealth profile customization.

It will not be possible to use the same browser session to move between accounts due to the Shibboleth cookie retaining login credentials. 

We recommend using Google Chrome Incognito Window to access your Zoom Telehealth Web Portal. 

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