Google Drive for Desktop can be installed on a Mac or PC. Follow the steps below:

1. On your computer open Software Center from the desktop or search for it in the Windows taskbar search box :

Locating the Software Center App on the desktop.

2. In the Software Center sidebar menu, click Applications and find Google Drive for Desktop:

Finding the Google Drive for Desktop application installation page in Software Center.

3. Click Install in the Google Drive for Desktop installation menu:

Clicking the install button to start the Google Drive for Desktop installation proces.s

4. Next, in the Google Drive pop-up dialog box, click Sign in with browser:

Signing into Google Drive for Desktop from your browser.

5. Sign in with your App State credentials then click Sign in to confirm that you are downloading the app from Google:

Entering your App State credentials to sign in to Google Drive for Desktop.

6. Your Google Drive (G:) can then be found under This PC in File Explorer:

Finding Google Drive for Desktop App in your file explorer.

1. At the bottom right of your screen, on the Windows taskbar, click the Drive icon Google Drive Icon (you may need to click the “show hidden icons” arrow Show Hidden Icons Icon on the Task Bar. to show the Drive icon.)
2. Then click the gear icon Clicking on the Google Drive for Desktop Gear Icon to open open the settings drop-down menu.
3. From this drop-down menu, click Preferences to open the Google Drive Preferences window.

  • From the Google Drive Preferences window,  located in the left sidebar menu, click on Google Drive Folders from Drive.
  • To open your Drive folders in File Explorer, click Open in Explorer. From here you can see your My Drive folder as well as any shared folders.
  • From the Google Drive Folders from Drive, you can also change your Drive Syncing options by choosing to stream or mirror files. Streaming uses less hard drive space and is preferred. Only choose mirror files if you are sure you have enough hard drive space on your computer to store all your Drive files.

Setting Google Drive for Desktop to Stream Files rather than mirroring.

1. From the Google Drive Preferences window, in the My Computer Folders from your computer menu, click Add Folder Buttonto sync your Desktop, Documents, Pictures, or other folders with your Drive.

Adding Folders to your Google Drive for Desktop.

2. Select your Desktop (or any other folder) and click Select Folder:

Selecting folder to add to your Google Drive.

3. In the Drive Settings dialog box, choose Sync with Google Drive (Optionally, check Back up to Google Photos if the files in your folder are photos or videos) and then click Done (Repeat this process for your Documents, Pictures, Downloads, or any other folders you want to sync to your Drive):

Syncing a selected folder with Google Drive.

4. Once you have created a folder make sure to click Save. After you save, you can click on the Computers link to open a browser on your computer that automatically takes you to your backed-up Drive cloud folder. This folder is where your synced files are stored in the Drive cloud:

Navigating to your synced folder on your Device.

1. Open Self Service The Self Service Icon on a university-managed Mac computer. on your computer and search for Google Drive.

Downloading Google Drive for Desktop from Self Service.

2. Under the Google Drive logo in Self Service, click Install to download Google Drive for Desktop.

3. From your Applications folder, open Google Drive and then click Sign in with Browser:

Signing in with your browser in Google Drive for Deskop.

4. Sign in with your App State credentials, confirm that you are downloading the app from Google, and then click Sign In: 

Click Sign in to confirm sign in.

5. After you have installed Google Drive for Desktop, click Open Security & Privacy settings, to allow the Google Drive software access to your Google Drive Files:

6. In your Computer System Settings, in the Security & Privacy menu, click the lock to make changes, enter your username and password, and click Allow next to the setting that says “System Software from developer “Google Inc.” was blocked from loading":

Modifying the Privacy and Security settings in computer system settings to allow Google to make changes.

Click on the Google Drive icon located at the top right of your screen on the Mac menu bar, then click on the gear icon at the top right of the Drive menu to open preferences:

Clicking on the gear icon to open Google Drive for Desktop settings.

You can access your Google Drive account folders (My Drive and Shared Drives) by either double-clicking on the Google Drive logo on your desktop or clicking “Open in Finder” from the Google Drive Preferences menu:

Opening Google Drive for Desktop in your device folder.

1. From the Google Drive Preferences window, in the “Folders from your computer menu”, click to sync your Desktop, Documents, Pictures, or other folders with your Drive.

2. Select your Desktop (or any other folder) and click Open:

Selecting a folder to be synced.

3. Next, click OK to allow Google Drive to have access to your files and then click "Done":

Allowing Google Drive permission to access files on your device.

4. Repeat the above process to add your Documents, Pictures, Downloads, or other folders to sync them to your Drive, then click Save. After you save, you can click on the Computers link (next to Syncing Files from 4 folders to) to open a browser on your computer that automatically takes you to your backed-up Drive cloud folder in your browser. This folder is where your synced files are stored in the Drive cloud:

Clicking on the computers link to sync files and folders.

Mac or PC Installation Guide

Locating Drive File Folders

Syncing Folders with Google Drive

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